Saturday, August 18, 2012

Gray in the Tree

As far as I am concerned, Gray is earning his keep by attracting my hubby to "Gray's Adventures".  This draws Mark away from the gloomy news, and his tendency to be stuck in it, and elevates his eye to Gray.  You can see, not only the cat's post-breakfast exercise-in-the-tree actions, but the clarity of purpose that the photographer brings to the picture.  I have a talented husband whose artistry is unheralded amidst every day tasks and his 7-day "work mode" mentality.  Slowly, Gray's presence is wedging his way into our daily life and altering our habits for the better.


Lindy said...

Anita, once upon a time I traveled to Kenya on Safari and it wasn't until we were practically in the face of a sleeping jaguar in a tree did I realize that I was face to face with nature; and it was breathtaking just like this picture of Gray......

Anita C. Fonte said...

Several neighbors said he looked like a wild thing in these pictures, too.