Sunday, April 22, 2012

April's summer Sunday

Well, here is it is, Earth Day 2012, and Tucson may have broken a heat record for the hottest day this early in the year.  Is there really any question that global warming is happening?  Look to the odd sight of Spring flowers, still resplendent in their colors, struggling to bob upright as the heat bears them down.  Or the gentle cascade of yellow Palo Verde trees falling like snowflakes on the sidewalk--instead of remaining on the green branches until May (or beyond).  Or the blooming of saguaro flowers a month before their normal rising.

And how about us desert dwellers--cranking up the AC (or swamp coolers) and the only folks ho-ho-ho-ing about next month's electricity bill is TEP?  Yes, here we are, trying to make the best of this season and being cheery about (maybe) a drop to more normal mid-80s temps by late week and a 10% possibility of rain!

Yes, one of our survival characteristics must be hoping for less sunshine while knowing that, no matter what our hopes, summer will return and we will cocoon inside during the daylight, venturing for walks or a swim before 9 a.m. and after 7 p.m.  Okay, bring it on, global warming--we'll somehow endure.

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