Saturday, October 20, 2012

Model A Ford Door Handles

We went to the Fall Festival at Cascades, the Senior Living Apartments where both of our dads reside.  And, as they have for the past years we've attended, a Model T and Model A car show parks in front for all to enjoy.  I am not the "gear-head" my husband is but I can appreciate the artistry of these cars which came at a time when the average speed was no higher than 45 mph.  Life was definitely slower then (and probably harder, too).  Here's a photo of the door handles from one of the Model As, circa 1930.  The car is so shiny you can see the reflection of Mark's legs in the photo!  What you can't see, unfortunately, is the etching on the gentle curls of each handle. 

1 comment:

Prettypics123 said...

What a great photo op! Sounds fun!