Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Simple String of Lights

I did a rare thing today: stayed in bed until 10 a.m.  I called a long distance friend and we talked for almost an hour.  She lives in Ohio and was facing a grey and dreary day so she stayed in bed as well.

My day, as per usual in Tucson, promises to be sunny and very warm.  I am not complaining, but I do like the earlier dark skies so that the desert cools off quickly and I can feel the soft paws (reference to Gray the cat) of winter stalking the sun as it sets.  I think this week was the "in between" holiday time I savor.  Thanksgiving remnants have been eaten or thrown into the garbage, Chanukah and Christmas ornaments are still in their boxes.  I did start my Advent Calendar yesterday and began to think about holiday decorating inside.  Mark put lights up last week and we are keeping it to a simple string around the front of the house--nothing elaborate inside or outside this year.

I think that's an image for myself as well: trying to keep the elaborations to a minimum, let the essence of who I am be shared in safe and sane company.  On the other hand, I want to try something new in 2013--and I am open to suggestions if you have any.

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