Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Beauty at the Getty Villa

Mark and I went to California this weekend to celebrate the 99th birthday of my Aunt Mollie.  We added a couple of other events to our schedule, and a second visit to the Getty Villa was on our short list.  He took many gorgeous photos but here is the first (yes, I am going to draw this out a bit, so you can savor the beauty as we did). This shot is of one of the several gardens, fashioned after a Roman Villa in Naples.  The upper class (comparable to our 1%, I suppose), spent much of their time in the gardens, maybe reading Cicero (or, even talking with Cicero if he was a guest of the Villa's owner), discussing the latest political events (instead of watching CNN) and savoring the leisure lifestyle they enjoyed, at the expense of slaves from the conquered Roman Empire.  But, the beauty endures, in spite of the events that created this culture--remembering, though, that nothing is permanent.

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