Thursday, June 3, 2010

slow life extended

What began as a blog to keep me writing during my ankle recovery may be extended through the summer, not because of my ankle (I hope), but because my consulting work has been suspended due to funding constraints.

Oh, well, what else can I do but accept the situation? That seems to be the theme of the past two months and I guess I will keep getting that message until I get it. I think HP wants me to write my stories even though I keep resisting and want to get pulled back into other types of busyness.

I feel as if I have had the wind pushed out of my lungs a bit and I am grateful I will get to the pool this morning and refuel my psyche with endorphins. But my thoughts are scattered like the red eucalyptus blossoms that blow across the patio. I am not settled at all this morning and I know this mood of mine: in the past, I would take on some new task or project. Now, I need to slow down even more and consider each moment with more awareness. If one door closes, another will open and I need to be ready for that.

So I will work on my reflective work and find something to laugh at today. I laughed last night at "Seinfeld" and need to make myself move those smile muscles when I want to feel sorry for myself.

Short entry today but at least I showed up.

1 comment:

Prettypics123 said...

Lots of art is being created at this time by many many people. We may even have an art renaissance during this period. And we can say that we participated!

What's your biggest worry? Does it put you in a highly financially precarious situation?