Sunday, May 16, 2010


Slow start on Sunday...I read the newspapers and tried not to get stuck in the morass of mendacity (I love that word, from Tennessee Williams' "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof": I can hear Burl Ives/Big Daddy, sort of curl the syllables on this tongue: men-da-ci-ty, and spit them out as if each syllable were a curse word). Maybe because of the news, mostly all bad, very little to be hopeful about, I feel depressed today. But also, because it is Sunday and yet it is, mostly, a day like the other 36 that have passed since my accident: most of the time is on my ass.

I will get to the pool today and try to hobble into Starbucks (we'll see how that goes with ADA accessibility) at Target while Mark does shopping. Both of those will probably tucker me out for the rest of the day. At least I have HBO's "Treme" to look forward to: what a show, what artistry to watch, listen to. Good words and stories.

Oh, I filled out two questionnaires this morning: one from UMC Hospital about the care while I was there and the other to United Insurance about the fall and I guess both of those took me back to a place I didn't feel like visiting again, but needed to. Also, yesterday, another unsoliticited story from someone who has had surgeries for arthritic joint replacements, told me 6 months is the more likely timeline for recovery. I didn't want to hear that, for sure. She also cautioned me about doing too much too soon which was probably good advice but words I hear almost everyday from Mark.

Meanwhile, what can I DO? I hope the work week brings me some opportunties and maybe my mind will start churning toward creativity for my writing. Right now, I am stuck in neutral and trying not to shift into reverse.

1 comment:

Prettypics123 said...

Ah...the recovery process. Embrace it Anita. Love this time. I sense a simplification of your life that is allowing more creativity. More focus on just a few things. Kinda sounds meditative (all this from a person not recovering from a disabling accident).